Workshop on Eco-Industrial Parks in Egypt

Transforming Robbiki Leather Cluster to an Eco-industrial Park

Robbiki Leather Cluster

3 January 2023 – Industrial Development Authority Premises

4 January 2023 – Robbiki Leather Cluster, Badr City


The objective of the workshop is to i) raise awareness on eco-industrial park concept and its benefits as well as motivate the Robbiki Leather Cluster and its tenant companies and management to move towards implementing EIP measures, ii) raise awareness and share basic knowledge to facilitate the implementation of industrial symbiosis (IS) and resource efficient and cleaner production (RECP) measures, iii) solicit interest and gain commitment of the park developer and tenant companies to join the UNIDO GEIPP-Egypt project and receive free technical assistance to transform towards eco-industrial parks, and iv) create initial networking and linkages between tenants and service providers.

Target audience:

  • Robbiki Leather Cluster industrial park management,
  • Tenant companies of Robbiki Leather Cluster,
  • Representatives of communities around the industrial park
  • Other companies and service providers outside the park interested in Eco-industrial Parks


Agenda and presentations

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