Industrial Symbiosis Workshop

Robbiki Leather Cluster – Badr City

7 March 2023

Robbiki Leather Cluster



The objective of the workshop are  i) to raise awareness of Robbiki Leather Cluster management entity and its resident companies on the benefits of industrial symbiosis, ii) to strengthen the networking between companies and service providers and iii) to identify industrial symbiosis opportunities.

Target audience:

  • Robbiki Leather Cluster industrial parks management
  • Tenant companies of Robbiki Leather Cluster
  • Representatives of relevant external companies (i.e. glue and gelatin companies)
  • Relevant government authorities


Final Invitation Agenda_IS workshop Robbiki


1-Industrial Symbiosis Overview – Yasser Sherif

2-Evaluation of IS Opportunities – Shadia Elshishini

3-Industrial Symbiosis Opportunities – Ola Kamal