On-the-job training at Orascom Industrial Park, Sokhna Complex
In conclusion of the training programme to provide capacity building to technical experts who can support mainstreaming of the EIP approach at industrial parks in Egypt under the project Global Eco-industrial Parks Programme- Egypt (#GEIPP), funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (#SECO) and implemented by the United National Industrial Organisation (#UNIDO)in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade and Industry (#MoTI) and Orascom Industrial Parks (#Orascom Industrial Park), the final session of the on-the-job training course took place on the 27 September 2023 at Orascom Industrial Parks in Sokhna.
The trainees assessed the IP performance against the EIP International Framework and explored opportunities for industrial synergies. Additionally, they visited a tires recycling factory to conduct an initial Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production Assessment (#RECP) and find opportunities to improve the performance of the factory and the park on a large scale.
The course was attended by a variety of experts from environmental consultancies, governmental agencies, academia, and industrial park operators.