Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training at Robbiki


The project Global Eco-industrial Parks Programme (#GEIPP)– Egypt, funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (#SECO) and implemented by #UNIDO in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade and Industry (#MoTI) organized an on-the-job training course to provide capacity building to technical experts who will be able to mainstreaming the #EIP approach at industrial parks in Egypt in the future.

The training course is conducted by #SHiFTERRA Consultancy, as a continuation of the in-class training programme that took place in July 2023, and it aims to provide the trainees with the opportunity to put the theoretical knowledge they acquired into practice by visiting the pilot industrial parks that UNIDO is currently working with to transform them become EIPs.

The first session of the 3-days training event took place on 14 September 2023, where the trainees visited #Robbiki Leather City, and learned how to conduct a Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production Assessment (#RECP) by visiting one of the tanneries at Robbiki.

The course was attended by a variety of experts from environmental consultancies, young professionals, governmental agencies, and industrial park operators.