GEIPP-Egypt Second Working Group Meeting

The second working group meeting of the project Global Eco-industrial Parks Programme- Egypt (#GEIPP) took place on 22 November 2023 in Cairo.

The meeting included all partners and stakeholders mainly the Ministry of Trade and Industry (#MoTI), the Industrial Development Authority (#IDA), the Industrial Modernization Centre (#IMC), the Suez Canal Economic Zone (#SCZone),  the General Authority for Investments and Free Zones (#GAFI), Egypt National Cleaner Production Centre (#ENCPC), the New Urban Communities Authority (#NUCA), Project Beneficiaries such as: Orascom Industrial Park, Polaris Industrial Park and El Robbiki Leather Cluster and other private sector developers.

The meeting was organized and managed by the project consultant Chemonics Egypt, with the objective of presenting and discussing with stakeholders the project’s Policy Vision, Goals and Objectives, Roadmap Methodology and Proposed Interventions Action Plan and Timeline.

The meeting included an open discussion where all parties were able to contribute to the presented topics and provide feedback, to gain consensus on the Action Plan and Timeline.

GEIPP Egypt is funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (#SECO) and implemented by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (#UNIDO) in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade and Industry (#MoTI).